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October 13, 2022
In the segment “Cure Acid Reflux, New Non-Invasive Surgery,” TIF was recommended as a safe and effective alternative to lifelong drug therapy.
October 13, 2022
In the episode dedicated to soothing the body’s burning sensations, Mica explained how she was heartburn free only three weeks after having the TIF procedure.
October 13, 2022
If you have ever awakened with the bitter taste of bile in your mouth, you are quite familiar with the horrible symptoms of acid reflux and GERD. If it happens only infrequently, then you probably ignore it, but when it occurs several times a week, keeping your control over acid reflux and GERD should be a priority.
October 13, 2022
The American Cancer Society estimates 19,260 new esophageal cancer cases will be diagnosed this year. This includes 15,310 men and 3,950 women. Deaths from this cancer are estimated at 15,530 in 2021. However, treatment for esophageal cancer has improved and survival rates are getting much better. You would be wise to learn more about esophageal cancer prevention and risk factors.
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